Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy (Psalm 126:5)
Have you ever thought about your tears? I don’t know about you, but I shed tears all the time for different reasons. Life is hard and situations arise in life that has caused me to shed tears. I am sure you can say the same. Sometimes these tears are tears of sadness and sometimes they are tears of joy. I discovered this verse years ago while reading my bible. Prayer and praying is a very important part of my daily functioning. I was surprised when I discovered this statement by Charles H. Spurgeon who said that “tears are liquid prayers” I ascribed to it immediately.
Spurgeon’s statement has helped to give me hope and meaning over the years especially when I am crying over a sad situation. In my journey with the Lord, tears have become a part and parcel of my prayer time. I don’t know the reason I cry when I pray. I have received it as a gift from the Lord. Perhaps it happens because like the Jews in this Psalm who were rejoicing about their great deliverance from exile after 70 years in Babylonian captivity. They shed tears of joy and laughter because of what God had done for them. Me too, when I think of the goodness of the Lord and where he has brought me from I cannot help but cry at times. I remember the dark days of February’s past and the sadness and a little joy that came with February. February always reminds me of the time when I was a young single mother, broke and without a permanent home. I know what it means to call on God for help through many tears. At that time of my life, I did not know that tears were considered Liquid prayers. Let us take a little journey through the valley called tears.

The Psalmist said the following. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Have you ever thought about sowing tears? What does it mean to sow tears?
From my experience, when one thinks about sowing, one thinks about the future results that will come from the seed that was planted. We think about sowing mostly from the natural place it plays in our world and our lives. Our food supply comes from farmers sowing seeds and then comes the harvest. However, this scripture teaches us that there are spiritual breakthroughs with a heart that is broken before God. And, this brokenness together with our tears will produce a spirit of joy and gladness and rejoicing. In the process, our tears act like seeds that are planted. The seed in the natural ground goes through a process of transformation to bear fruit. Like the natural seed, in the spiritual realm tears together with a broken and contrite heart before the Lord helps to transform us from the inside out. Tears can heal our souls if we allow them. For example, tears of compassion John 11:35 when Jesus wept at the grave of Lazarus. We shed a lot of tears at funerals don’t we?; tears of desperation Esther 4:1-3 the Jews were about to be annihilated, wiped off the face of the earth and Mordecai, Esther’s adopted father heard about the plot therefore, he put on sackcloth and he was deeply distressed so he sat in the kings gate fasting, mourning and weeping over the dire situation. Then there are tears of travail Isaiah 42:14 there are times when our situation is so desperate like Mordecai, we must pray and cry like a woman who is given birth –who is in labor pains; tears of sorrow according to 2 Kings 20:5, Hezekiah’s prayers mingled with his tears help to bring about his healing and extended his life on earth and, last but not least, there are tears of repentance Luke 7:38-44 teaches about a sinful woman who was forgiven by Jesus. David in Psalm 51:17b said, a broken and a contrite heart the Lord will not despise.
Tears are caused by different reasons or situations in our lives such as remorse, oppression, affliction and anguish, defeat or impending death and yes, Christian service. When the apostle Paul was exhorting the Ephesian elders, he reminded them of how he served the Lord among them. He said, “I served the Lord with humility and many tears and trials. It is apparent his tears were caused by the trials and the plots against his life. He goes on to say despite these things I kept on preaching and teaching you the gospel of repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:17-20).
Whatever might be causing your tears today, allow them to flow down your face, do not wipe them away, allow them to irrigate the soil of your heart at the same time, allow them to help your faith in God to soar knowing that God is the deliverer. God is the healer. God is the restorer and God is the one that forgives.
Listen. When you are filled with sadness, and tears are flowing down your face, and you feel like giving up on life, I challenge you to speak to your tears with kindness and with resolve no matter what has caused your tears. Remember they are liquid prayers. Speak to your tears and tell your tears, “I will not give up or give in to this feeling. I will get through this day!” The reason I know this is because tears, you are saying words to my God that I cannot speak for myself. God has given you to me today as a Healer, a Grace, a Helper, One that is helping to give me strength for each step that I am taking. So tears, come along with me in every step that I take and water the rows of my soul. Because I know I will reap a harvest of joy and gladness if I do not faint. I decree and declare by faith God’s anger is but for a moment, his favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
We may not see the result immediately of every seed of our liquid prayer that we have sown because God’s timing is not like ours. But know this, there is a season for everything under the sun and God has His own timetable for our lives. God will cause a harvest to come from our seeds called tears. Whatever your tears are based in or whatever may have caused your tears to flow they will produce that harvest. While you are waiting for God to answer your prayers, refuse to become discouraged and give up. Keep delighting yourself in the Lord and be determined to keep your faith alive and active. Stay on praising ground and continue to love no matter what. Know this: Your harvest is guaranteed through Jesus Christ our Lord.